Golden Jubilee Anniversary Website


Legacy Gallery
Celebratory Events
Our Golden Jubilee celebration, held on 4 May 2021, was lively and memorable. The live-streamed event kicked off with a welcome address by CEO and President, Mr. Alex LAN, opening remarks by Board Chairman, Dr. Bob FOLKENBERG Jr., and a lighting ceremony conducted by members of the Board of Governors, as well as senior management. Other highlights included an employee prize presentation, a musical performance, and tours of the new rehabilitation center, all of which created a joyous atmosphere and served as the perfect opening for HKAH – SR's upcoming series of celebratory events.
To commemorate our hospital’s legacy, a Treasure Hunt Quiz was organized as a staff activity in April as an interactive game to familiarize staff with both the hospital environment and many of the hospital’s important milestones. A total of 9 outstanding players out of the many participants passed the quiz with flying colors and competed for the Grand Prize of our 50th Anniversary Treasure Hunt Quiz. Many staff participated in the fun and enjoyed the process as they were taken point by point, discovering facts and putting pieces together of the hospital’s history.
“Family”, one of the guiding principles of our hospital, was the theme of our Most Heart-warming “Family” Photo Competition. Staff were asked to take photos expressing the idea of “Family”, and the heart-warming care and respect that we hold for each other in our hospital as a home. There were a total of 17 entries from 12 departments participating in the competition. Six winning entries were selected as the most heartwarming family photos by Mr. Alex Lan, our President and Chief Executive Officer. The competition brought about many special heart-warming submissions from different departments, staff and doctors. The submitted photos made a wonderful and heartwarming gallery in the intranet portal.
On the 50th anniversary of the hospital, a Tongue Twister competition was one of the staff events held celebrating this Golden Jubilee. There were 2 parts to the competition spreading over a duration of a month and a half – Tongue Twister design and speed challenge where staff showcased their creativity, writing, and language skills. Winners were selected from both Chinese and English entries of tongue twister design. Winners of the Chinese and English tongue twister speed challenges wowed us with 2.42 seconds and 10.99 seconds respectively for the top speed record!
Mid-Autumn is one of the most important festivals in Chinese culture. To promote environmental friendliness and celebrate the Mid-autumn Festival with our staff family, the hospital organized an Eco-lantern Design Competition and Eco-lantern Display Tea Party in September. At the tea party, snacks and juice were provided to colleagues as take-away refreshments while they were appreciating their colleagues’ creative and environmentally friendly lantern designs. Staff voted for their favorite lantern and the lantern receiving the highest votes from all staff was awarded the Popularity Award. Over 200 staff participated in the fun exhibition throughout the day.
Towards the Future

Visitors' comments
blessing us with encouraging messages that inspire our hospital and staff.
Hope hospital grows from strength to strength
We keep a wonderful memory of this moment with you.

concept in providing high quality healthcare services to our community.
To learn more about our Hospital, please click here to view the Golden Jubilee Anniversary Booklet.
We hope you enjoy reading it!